The subcontractor shall comply with the project security plan and shall secure all Gang boxes and buildings and establish internal procedures to minimize theft and sabotage of any nature. 分包商应遵守项目安全保卫计划,锁好所有的工具箱和建筑物,建立内部保安规程,尽量减少失窃以及各种形式的破坏事件发生。
Characteristics of the gang crime of vehicle theft and robbery-are: Time of crime is all weather; 团伙盗抢机动车犯罪的特点包括:作案时间呈全天侯状态;
A Brief Talk in Characteristics and Countermeasures to Gang Crime of Vehicle Theft and Robbery 浅谈团伙盗抢机动车犯罪的特点及对策